Puppy Home School
What if you had a proven plan to jumpstart your puppy training, ensure you avoid common mistakes and save you a great deal of time?

Getting a new puppy is an exciting time for the whole family.
This impossibly cute and energetic bundle of fun is destined to be your take-anywhere companion.
You're looking forward to enjoying walks, playing games, maybe teaching your new BFF a few tricks, or just relaxing with a calm dog at your feet.
BUT you have a dawning sense that you're not at all sure how you're actually going to get from here to there ...
And you're beginning to worry about all problems and challenges along the way.
- How do you quickly teach your puppy not to use the whole house as a toilet?
- What should you do about the biting?! Puppies will chew anything and they bite in play (so, that includes you, your shoes AND the furniture)!
- By the end of each day, you'll be looking forward to a good night's sleep — but will your puppy? If you don't know what to do, those first nights can be tough for both of you.
- Lack of sleep combined with constant disaster management isn't leaving you time to train your puppy, let alone have fun.
- On top of that, you find you're constantly second-guessing yourself, not sure if you're doing it right, and frustrated from searching Google and receiving conflicting or even plain wrong advice that's just making you even more anxious.
If you don't train your puppy now, your future self will not thank you as you spend hours chasing your dog round the park, embarrassed as you endlessly apologise for stolen picnics and muddy clothes — or worse.
It doesn't have to be like that. But if you don't start training your puppy right away, it will be so much harder to get rid of your older dog's bad habits — and it will cost you a great deal more in time and money.
I'm Vicky Carne
The Dog Coach
For over eleven years, I've run puppy classes, had many puppies to stay for residential training and coached hundreds of new puppy owners individually.
I know how important it is to get it right from the start.
Before that, I too lived through the ups and downs so familiar to many dog owners: clearing up mess or apologising profusely as a stranger's picnic found itself en route to my dog's stomach!
So I understand the frustration faced by the many owners who've got in touch when their cute puppy has turned into an adolescent hooligan.
With time and patience, their problems are fixable — but oh, how much easier it would have been, and how much more enjoyable their puppy experience, if they'd developed good habits from the start.
I want every new puppy owner to be prepared for the challenges and avoid the problems from the start. I want you to discover that training and having fun with your puppy can (indeed, should) be one and the same thing.
So, I've taken that all that experience online to fit in with anyone's schedule.
Get the first few weeks of puppy training right and set yourself up for a lifetime of enjoyment with your new best friend. That's why I created Puppy Home School.

So, how would it feel to have a plan?
A training plan, so you'd know exactly what to do, day by day ...
A plan that's designed to help you fit a puppy into your busy life...
I'd love to welcome you to my online course which has already helped many puppy owners, just like you.
Even if you have little or no experience of puppies, with PUPPY HOME SCHOOL you'll learn simple and easy to implement modern training methods.
And don't worry, I designed it so that with only a few minutes a day, you'll quickly have the confidence and skills you need to train your puppy yourself.
Short videos accompanied by step-by-step guides tell you exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it.
If you've been feeling a little panicky, and you just want to get it right but you're not sure how ... you're in the right place.
My PUP Plan will keep you at least one paw ahead of your puppy ...

We start with Pre-School Prep where you'll quickly learn how to manage both your puppy and the environment so that you're set up for rapid success.

In a few short videos Training 101 cracks the code on modern, reward based training methods, so you'll know the best ways to train your puppy — and the mistakes the avoid!

Daily games and exercises put it all into practice, deepening your relationship and creating a lifelong bond with a dog who loves to play, learn and engage with you.
What You'll Learn
Includes: how to socialise your puppy when social distancing

Module 1:
Puppies are impossibly cute (yours in particular!). But they also pee and poo a lot, bite anything that looks like it might be fun or just chewy — including you — and are very demanding of attention.
I'll show you the secret to establishing good habits before your puppy can learn bad ones! You'll discover:
- The #1 thing most people fail to do when bringing a puppy home.
- How to speed up house-training and get through those first nights.
- And how simple management rules can save you many hours of training.
Module 2:
Understanding — Training 101
This is where you'll learn how the art and science of training (+ a little bit of magic and lots of love) will help you become the owner your puppy wants you to be.
- Puppies are learning all the time! You'll discover how to tip the balance in favour of those things you want your puppy to learn!
- How to to supercharge your puppy's desire to listen to you.
- Why getting rid of the food bowl could be the best training decision you'll ever make!
- And how to use rewards so there's no need for punishment.
Modules 3 & 4:
Practice in Puppy Play School
It's never too soon to start training.
This 14 day program is designed to give you and your puppy the best start.
Watch the videos, follow the step by step printable guides and see your puppy transform before your eyes (I think I mentioned magic earlier!)
- You just need a few minutes a day
- You'll avoid the frustration many owners experience as training becomes second nature to you and your clever puppy.
- Best of all, you'll be teaching your puppy with fun and games, not as a chore to be got through.
The Full Course, Step by Step
1: PREPARATION — Pre-School Prep
2: UNDERSTANDING — Training 101
3: PRACTICE — Play School Week One
4: PRACTICE — Play School Week Two
BONUS #1 Your Puppy Shopping List
A printable shopping list ensuring you have everything you need to hand.
BONUS #2 Puppy Daily Chart
A printable daily chart to keep you and all the family on track so everyone knows when your puppy's toileted, eaten, slept or played. Especially valuable if a number of family members are sharing responsibility for the puppy — you can be sure nothing is missed or forgotten!
BONUS #3 Puppy Home School Checklist & Reminders
Daily reminders by email as well as a printable checklist of all the lessons. So, whether you strictly follow the games and exercises day by day, jump around the lessons or leave gaps (sometimes life just takes over) you won't lose track.
BONUS #4 Example Daily Schedule
Puppy owners' daily schedules may vary, but this example will help you design your own, and ensure you're meeting all your puppy's needs.
BONUS #5 Mobile Friendly with Free Apple or Android App
Now easily accessible anywhere. Take your puppy training with your everywhere you go with your pup!
BONUS #6 Friendly Facebook Group
Get your questions answered by The Dog Coach and share your puppy triumphs (and disasters!).
7 Day Money Back Guarantee
I want to show as many new owners as possible how to get the best from their pup from the start. But I understand that an online course may seem like a risk. So, to remove that worry, if for any reason you decide it's not for you, just email [email protected] within 7 days of purchase and you'll be refunded straightaway. No questions asked. Consider it your 7 day trial, completely risk-free. Vicky Carne, The Dog Coach